Medicare Advantage plan or Original Medicare?
A Medicare Advantage plan, also known as Part C, is available through private insurance companies that are approved by Medicare. When you purchase a Medicare Advantage plan, you still have Medicare. (Medicare Advantage plans are not a supplement.)
Medicare Advantage plans tend to package several parts into one plan. For example, a Medicare Advantage plan includes Part A (hospital coverage), Part B (medical coverage), and sometimes even Part D (prescriptions). It covers emergency services and urgent care visits, but not hospice care. All hospice care services are covered by Original Medicare, even if you are in a Medicare Advantage Plan.
Some Medicare Advantage plans have extra features that many people find attractive.
There are many Medicare Advantage plans available in the marketplace. We are happy to review your needs and help you find a plan that is right for you. We work with all of the major carriers to present you with an unbiased, personalized recommendation. Click the link below or call us today to schedule your customized review. We help you find a plan that is right for you. ​
Plans are insured or covered by a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract and/or a Medicare-approved Part D sponsor. Enrollment in the plan depends on plan's contract renewal with Medicare.

Types of
Medicare Advantage Plans
Health Maintenance Organization
Plan provides a list of doctors, other health care providers, and hospitals
You choose a primary care physician from the list provided
Referrals from your primary care physician may be needed to see a specialist (except in an emergency)
Preferred Provider Organization
​Plan contracts with a network of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers
In-Network providers cost less
Out-of-Network providers cost more
Private Fee For Service
Do not need a primary care physician
Do not need referrals to see a specialist
May or may not have in-network and out-of-network providers, depending on the plan
Your provider can choose at every visit whether or not to accept your plan's terms and conditions of payment.
Special Needs Plan
Click HERE to see if you qualify for a Medicare SNP.
SNPs cover the same Medicare services that all Medicare Advantage plans must cover.
SNPs may also cover extra services tailored to the special groups they serve, like extra days in the hospital.
Some SNPs offer a case coordinator to help you stay healthy.